Complaint Policy

The purpose of the Municipal Complaint Protocol is to provide a consistent and uniform process to respond to program and service delivery concerns raised by members of the public. The policy will assist the Township of Malahide in continuing to provide excellent service to the public and will contribute to the continuous improvement of operations.
The Municipal Complaint Protocol establishes guidelines and standards for the efficient handling and resolution of complaints made towards the Township in order to address concerns raised and improve services.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction related to a municipal program, service, facility or staff member.
This policy does not apply to outside boards, closed meeting investigations, complaints made by employees, contractors, or volunteers working on behalf of the Township, or complaints about Members of Council.

Types of Complaints NOT included

This policy does not address the following:

  • Inquiries
  • Request for service
  • Feedback
  • Compliments
  • Request for accommodation
  • Criticisms or anonymous complaints
  • Issues addressed by legislation, or an existing municipal by-law, policy or procedure
  • A decision by Council or a Board/Committee
  • Internal employee complaints
  • Matters that are handled by tribunals, courts of law, quasi-judicial boards, etc.

For example, a request made to the Township of Malahide for a specific service such as repair to street surface, by-law or parking infractions, damage to municipal property, or garbage pick-up do not qualify as a complaint under this policy. 

Types of Complaints

Informal Complaints

Individuals are encouraged to work with Municipal Staff to resolve issues or concerns before they become formal complaints. Informal complaints may be made in person, by phone, letter or email. It is the responsibility of Municipal Staff to attempt to resolve issues or concerns before they become formal complaints and identify opportunities to improve programs and services.

Formal Complaints

A formal complaint is generated when an informal resolution cannot be successfully achieved. This will result in a file generated, investigation and decision.

Filing a Complaint

The complainant must fill out a complaint form which shall include the following information:

  • Contact details of complainant
  • Type of complaint
  • Details of the complaint (location, employee involved, resolution requested, date of complaint)
  • Signature and date

Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.

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