The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for providing elected officials and members of the public with advice, general information and guidance around:

The Code sets out and identifies the Township's expectations for its Council Members and establishes rules for appropriate conduct. The Code addresses Council Member conduct relative to access to information and confidentiality, staff relations, gifts, political activity, participation in community groups and organizations, and use of social media among others. 

  • Township policies, procedures and rules
  • Section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Providing opinions on policy matters and making reports to council as requested on issues of ethics and integrity 
  • Providing educational information and training to Council and members of the public on matters related to the Code of ConductMunicipal Conflict of Interest Act and issues of ethics and integrity
  • Maintaining custody and control of all complaint and inquiry files and, on completion of their appointment, transfer all open files to the incoming Integrity Commissioner appointed by council
  • Providing other services related to ethical and integrity matters as assigned by council or as may be required under the Municipal Act

The Township's Integrity Commissioner is Aird & Berlis LLP.  The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to support the Township's ethical framework by providing advice and education on the Code of Conduct, and on related policies, procedures, protocols and rules relating to the ethical conduct of Members. The Integrity Commissioner may conduct inquiries in response to complaints regarding whether a member has contravened the Code of Conduct, or sections 5, 5.1, or 5.2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA).

Members can request advice from the Integrity Commissioner about their ethical obligations under the Code of Conduct and the MCIA.You can contact our Integrity Commissioner by reaching out to Meghan Cowan at or by telephone 416-865-4722. 

Council Disclosures 

Members of Council are asked to disclose of any possible conflicts of interest in order to promote ethical governance and transparency. Review all disclosures from the Mayor and Councillors. 



Meeting DateMeeting TypeMember Name               Agenda ItemReason                        
January 18 2024        Council- Regular Mark Widner Section E (i) Petition for Drainage – Versnick and E (iii) Harvest Bowl Grant Applications 

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative 

A member of the Harvest Bowl Board

February 1, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner       Section K (ii) Community Grants Report

A member of the Harvest Bowl Board

February 15, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section E (ii) Petition for Drainage-Klassen

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative

March 21, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section E Petition for Drainage - Chalet Line and Request for Improvement-Catfish Creek Drain

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative

April 18, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section E Petition for Drainage – College Line, New Engineers Report – Learn Drain, and Petition for Drainage – Coelho  

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative

May 2, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section E-Request for Minor Improvement -Hewer rain and Section J-Tate Drain

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative

May 2, 2024 Council-Regular Chester Glinski Section J-Tate Drain

Owner of one of the affected properties

June 6, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section D– Meeting to Consider Ketchabaw Drain and Meeting to Consider Priester Drain, Agenda item E, Petition for Drainage-Wagler,Bender and Petition for Drainage-Fehr

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative

June 20, 2024 Council-Regular Mark Widner Section D - Meeting to Consider Hewer Drain

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative



Meeting DateMeeting TypeMember Name               Agenda ItemReason                        
January 5, 2023           Council Mark      Widner Section D (3 Court of Revisions & Meeting to Consider) and Section E pages 29-32 Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
January 5, 2023   Council Chester Glinski Section E (ii) pages 29-32 Owner of one of the affected properties
January 19, 2023 Council Mark Widner

Section I (i), (ii) and (iii)

Section J (i) pages 47-52

Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
January 19, 2023 Council Chester Glinski Section J (i) Owner of one of the affected properties
February 2, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D Court of Revision McIntyre Drain Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative.
March 2, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Meeting To Consider - Sparta Line Drain No. 1 & Sparta Line Drain No. 2 Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
March 16, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section E - Meeting to Consider - Robinson Drain Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
April 4, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Sparta Line Drain 1 & Sparta Line Drain 2 Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
April 20,   2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Court of Revision Robinson Drain  Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
May 18, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Meeting To Consider - Sparta Line Drain 3&4 and Maginnis Drain Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
June 1, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section E– Reports of Departments-Public Works- New Engineers Report-Pritchard Drain Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
June 1, 2023 Council Chester Glinski Section E– Reports of Departments-Public Works- New Engineers Report-Pritchard Drain Owner of one of the affected properties
June 15, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Court of Revision - Sparta Line Drain 3&4, Maginnis Drain and Meeting to Consider - J.L. Ferguson Drain 2023 Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
July 6, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section D - Court of Revision - J.L. Ferguson Drain 2023 Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative
September 21, 2023 Council Mark Widner Council Agenda item E– Reports of Departments, Request for Improvement – Ketchabaw Drain and Harvest Bowl Status Update Junior Partner at Spriet Associates is an immediate relative and he is a member of Harvest Bowl Board
December 21, 2023 Council Mark Widner Section E (iii) Harvest Bowl Grant Applications  A member of the Harvest Bowl Board

Complaint Procedures 

If you have identified or witnessed a behaviour or activity by a Member of Council that you believe contravenes the Council Code of Conduct or Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, you can submit a complaint.

Informal complaints 

You may wish to address this action or behaviour in an informal manner. For example, you can reach out directly to the Member of Council and:

  • Advise them that the behaviour or activity contravenes the Code of Conduct 
  • Encourage them to stop the prohibited behaviour or activity

We also recommend that you keep a written record of the incident(s) including:

  • Dates
  • Times
  • Locations
  • List of individuals present
  • Other relevant information
This way, if you choose to file a formal complaint later, you have clearly documented the incident. We encourage you to pursue an informal complaint procedure as a means of stopping or changing the behaviour or activity that is prohibited by the Code. However, an informal complaint is not a prerequisite for filing a formal complaint.
Formal complaints

If you couldn’t find a resolution through an informal complaint, or if you chose not to pursue an informal complaint, you can file a formal complaint. You can submit a formal complaint by email directly to the Integrity Commissioner.

All formal complaints should contain the following information:

  • Name of the municipality
  • Your name, mailing address, phone number and email address
  • Detailed description of the behaviour or action and why it contravened the Code of Conduct or Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Any and all evidence to support the allegation
  • Any activities undertaken (if any) to resolve the concern prior to submitting a formal complaint
  • Any additional information
  • Your signature

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