What are Property Taxes?
Property taxes are the main source of revenue to provide services to the residents of the Township of Malahide. In addition to collecting taxes for its own purposes, the Township is also responsible for levying and collecting taxes on behalf of the County of Elgin and the School Boards. The Township keeps 46% of your property tax bill for municipal services, 38% is forwarded to the County of Elgin to finance the services that the County provides and the remaining 16% is forwarded to the various Boards of Education. The property tax system is directly linked to the assessed value of the property. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for property valuation for the entire province of Ontario. Property values are then supplied to municipalities on annual assessment rolls. Municipalities apply the approved tax rate to the assessed value of the property. Tax rates are determined annually in each municipality, and differ between the various tax classes (i.e. residential, industrial, commercial, etc.)
What is a Property Tax Sale |
The Municipal Act states that a municipality prepare and register a tax arrears certificate against the title to that land if taxes remain unpaid past a specified period of time. The Township registers a Tax Arrears Certificate if taxes remain unpaid on vacant or improved land for three (3) years prior to January 1 of any year, whether it is a residential or non-residential class property. A Tax Arrears Certificate states that the property will be sold if taxes, penalties, interest and reasonable costs (the cancellation price) incurred by the Township are not paid within one year of registration of the certificate. Once a Tax Arrears Certificate has been registered, partial payments cannot be accepted, but a Council approved repayment schedule may be arranged with the owner prior to the expiry of the one-year period. This approved repayment schedule forms part of a Township By-law and becomes a publicly available document. The Township, through their solicitor, may advertise the property for sale for non-payment of taxes if the cancellation price is not paid within one year of registration of the certificate. Advertisements are generally published in the Ontario Gazette for one week and in the Aylmer Express for four weeks. Purchase bids must be at least equal to the advertised minimum tender amount. The successful purchasers will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, penalties and interest, HST if applicable and the relevant land transfer tax. All tax properties are sold without warranty and are sold as is. Additional information is made available at the time of advertising the Tax Sale. |
When are Property Tax Due Dates? |
Interim Billing – sent out mid-February due March 15 and June 15 Final Billing – sent out mid-August due September 15 and November 15 Late payments are subject to a penalty of 1.25% on the first day of each calendar month following a due date and each calendar month thereafter.
If you have any questions about your municipal property taxes, please contact the Finance Department at 519-773-5344. |
What services do my taxes fund? |
How are property taxes calculated? |
Interim Tax Bills are based on your prior year’s taxes, calculated as 50% of the prior’s year’s annualized total tax billing and spread out over 2 payments. The Final Tax Bills reflect the current year's taxes less what has been levied for the interim billing. Final Billings also include any special area rates and local improvement charges. |
How is my property assessment calculated? |
All properties in Ontario are assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), using current market valuation. For information about changes to your property assessment, visit the MPAC website. |
How do I request a Tax Bill or Tax Account Statement |
If you need a copy of a previous tax bill or current tax account statement, you can submit a request for copy of tax bill or tax account statement form. |
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