Ontario Regulation 397/11, Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans, requires all broader public sector (BPS) organizations, including hospitals, municipalities, universities, colleges, school boards and municipal service boards responsible for water and sewage treatment and pumping operations to:

  • Report on their annual energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in designated buildings/facilities; and
  • Develop and implement 5-year energy conservation and demand management plans (CDM) plans 
  • Energy consumption data is to be submitted to the ministry and made publicly available on the organization’s website and intranet site and be available in printed form at their head office.
  • CDM plans are to be made publicly available on their website and intranet site, and be available in printed form at their head office.  While BPS organizations are not required to submit their CDM plans to the ministry, the portal includes an area for BPS organizations to indicate that their plan has been completed and to provide a link to it on their BPS organization’s website.

Energy Management Plans 

Township of Malahide

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2020-2024

Aylmer Area Water Supply System

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2020-2024

Port Burwell Area Secondary Supply System

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2020-2024

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