The Strategic Plan sets the direction for the Township of Malahide and serves as a guiding document. With input from residents, landowners, business leaders and community partners,  the Strategic Plan reflects the needs and expectations of the Community. 
The newly-adopted Strategic Plan is based on community input, gained through an extensive public engagement process, and outlines the Township’s vision, mission, and values, strategic priorities, and reaching tangible results. The Strategic Plan will guide Council and Township Staff moving forward in the development of budgets, operational plans, and how we serve residents on a day-to-day basis.
Measurement and progress reporting

As part of our commitment to tracking progress and measuring success, an annual report will be prepared to review the priorities, goals, and actions taken toward achieving those goals as outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Developing the Plan

Malahide Township has conducted a strategic planning process to help guide decision-making over the next decade. There were multiple phases to the process from June to December 2023.
Community Survey (June to July 2023)

  • The survey was launched in June to enable Council and Staff to collect information on what matters most to residents and businesses in Malahide.
  • Phase Two: Survey Results Analysis (August 2023)

Input from the survey was analyzed by research specialists to extract key themes and trends.

  • Phase Three: Analysis of Strategic Planning Inputs and Gathering Additional Input (September 2023)

A workshop with Council and senior Township staff was conducted on August 28 and 29, 2023 to kick off this phase of the strategic planning process.

  • Phase Four: Deliberations and First Draft of the Malahide 2023-2033 Strategic Plan (October 2023)

A workshop with Council and senior Township staff was conducted on October 19, 2023 to complete the draft plan.

  • Phase Five: Draft Plan Validation (November/December 2023)

The Malahide community was invited to comment on the clarity and alignment of the draft strategic plan to the public’s priorities and values. A validation survey, in electronic and paper formats, was used to collect feedback. A workshop to gather in-person feedback was held on December 4, 2023.

  • Phase Six: Final Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan (January 2024)

A consolidated results and recommendations report was presented to Council.  Council adopted the plan on January 18, 2024.  The implementation, operationalization and communication of this plan is underway. 


1. What is a Strategic Plan?

The Township of Malahide's new Strategic Plan establishes the community’s highest priorities and a collective vision for the future. It will help guide Council, staff, and the community through key decision-making processes and direct resources where they are needed most.

2. What is Malahide's current Strategic Plan?

The 2023-2033 Strategic Plan was adopted on January 18, 2024.

3. How is Success Measured?

The Township will continue to monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan and provide progress reports. Council and staff will continuously monitor external forces that impact the business of the Township and will assess the Strategic Plan’s alignment with the environment.

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