Water and Wastewater

The Township of Malahide operates a municipal water system and a municipal wastewater collection system in various locations.

  • Residents who have municipal water or wastewater may complete the online form to be notified during an emergency on those systems.
  • If you have any questions regarding water and/or wastewater or to report an emergency, please contact the Water/Wastewater Department at 519-773-5344.

To view the St. Thomas Elgin Area Municipalities Standard Contract Document and Supplemental Specifications for Public Works, adopted by the Township of Malahide please click here

  • Contents of the Supplemental Specifications include the defined required materials, construction methods, allowable installation tolerances, and measured payment standards for Sewer Construction and Maintenance, Watermain infrastructure, Road Construction and paving, Sidewalk construction, Traffic Signal and Electrical works, Traffic Control and pavement marking, and Landscaping.

Account Setup

Please notify the Township of Malahide a minimum of 48 hours in advance of opening or closing a utility account. 


Please complete the Utility Account Change Notice Form if you are opening or closing a water or sewer account within the municipality.


Property Owners must complete and submit the Tenant Authorization Agreement to direct water bills to a tenant. Please read the agreement carefully to understand a Property Owner’s responsibility for a tenant’s utility billing. 

Requests received from a tenant will not be accepted. Tenants must notify the Township of the end of their lease arrangements to terminate their water service and request a final billing. 

Please complete and submit the Tenant Exit Form in advance of the termination date.

Cottage Winterization

The Township of Malahide allows One Free Water Turn Off for the Winter & One Free Water Turn On in the Spring.  Please notify the water department at least 48 hours in advance. This service will be provided during normal business hours (8:30AM to 4:30PM).

Water meters are susceptible to frost.  It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure meters are properly protected from freezing. If a property is closed for the winter and the water meter is damaged due to inadequate protection from cold, expenses incurred for meter repairs will be billed to the owner. 

If you are not maintaining adequate heat this winter, please remember the following:

  • Contact the Water Department for a Free Shut Off.
  • Contact a licensed plumber to have your water meter removed and drained, and to ensure that all plumbing is properly winterized.  If you are removing the meter from the property, please submit the current reading to the Township. 

When you are ready to open your property in the spring, please remember to:

  • Contact a licensed plumber to have the water meter re-installed. Ensure that the arrow on the body of the meter is pointing into the direction of the property.
  • Contact the Water Department for a Free Turn On. Someone should be present at the time the water is turned back on to ensure there is no plumbing damage from winter months.

Municipal Drinking Water Documentation

Public Documentation Records

The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) is the Operating Authority responsible for the Malahide Water Distribution System, the Aylmer Area Secondary Water Supply System (AASWSS), and the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System (PBASWSS). Each of these water systems follow a Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS).  As required by the Standard, each system has its own Operational Plan in place. The Operational Plan for each system is reviewed annually and updated to reflect continual improvements made to the plan. A copy of the Operational Plan for each system can be made available to the Public upon request.

Municipal Drinking Water System

Municipal water is located throughout the Township on various water distribution systems. 

There is a 12” watermain serving the southern portion of the Township.  There is an 18” watermain providing water east of Aylmer along Highway # 3. 

Properties not abutting a waterline will have a private source of water (private wells).

Municipal Wastewater Collection System

Municipal wastewater collection is available in the Village of Springfield.  Wastewater is pumped from there to the Aylmer Lagoons for treatment and disposal.

Check out the Ontario Clean Water Agency "Protect Your Pipes" Info sheet for more information. 

Protect your pipes. Blocked pipes are big trouble, they can burst or back up, leading to costly flooding in your home or business.

  • Further down the line, items like wipes and grease can clog sewers and cause toxic sewage overflows into streets and the natural environment. They can also damage local wastewater infrastructure, and your water rates may go up to cover repairs.


Public Documents: 

 Paying Your Bill 

Municipal utility accounts are billed on a quarterly basis in January, April, July, and October. Municipal water accounts are charged a flat fee and a consumption fee. Municipal wastewater accounts are charged a flat fee only.

  1. E-Billing
  • Municipal utility account holders have the opportunity to receive Property Tax Bills and Water Bills by e-mail as opposed to regular mail.  There is no requirement to sign up for this service.   
  • Please complete the Online Email Billing Request Form to sign up for this service or print the form at home and return to the Township office.


 2.  E-Transfer Payments

  • The Township of Malahide is now accepting e-transfers as a new payment service available to its residents and customers. Any bills or accounts with the Township of Malahide can be paid with this e-transfer option. E-transfers must be sent without the requirement of a password. 
  • Please use finance@malahide.ca for E-transfers and the memo field must include the property owner’s name and roll number or account number, or a Customer ID to ensure the payment is applied to the correct account.

Absence of reference information may delay the process. 


 3.  Pre-Authorized Payment

Municipal utility account holders have the opportunity to have a utility bill paid automatically through most banking institutions.  There is no requirement to sign up for this service.


 4.  Setup a Payee for Online Banking Payments

When setting up through your bank:

  • Select “Malahide, Township of (Utilities)” as the payee. You may see slightly different variations of the payee name, that may be set up by each bank (for example, Malahide Twshp). 

  • Enter all digits of your utility account, without any spaces, periods or dashes.  If this does not work, contact your financial institution's help desk. Some institutions require a specific number of digits. If your account number needs to be longer, add zeros before the number. If your account number needs to be shorter, take off the first digit (left hand side).

Service Line Warranties of Canada

Did you know?

Water and sewer service lines connect a homeowner’s property to the Township’s water and wastewater systems. Homeowners are responsible for repairs to the portion of water and sewer service lines located on their property. If a leak, break or clog occurs in the private portion of these lines, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a plumber or contractor and paying any of the associated repair costs. A breakdown to these lines could happen without warning resulting in an unexpected and costly emergency repair. The lifespan of a service line depends on many factors including construction material, soil conditions and use and the location, number and species of nearby trees.

While not typically covered by basic homeowners’ insurance, residents are encouraged to check with their current provider to find out what their coverage is in this area, and to arm themselves with information such as deductible amounts and exclusions or confirm if coverage is offered as an add on.

Residents may also consider coverage from an external service plan provider.


Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC)

The Township of Malahide has partnered with Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC), an independent company, to offer eligible homeowners optional repair plans to help protect residents against potentially expensive emergency repairs to water/well service lines and sewer/septic lines on their private property. Malahide’s partnership with SLWC provides a way to increase a homeowner’s awareness of their responsibility for these costs, while offering an optional solution for those who would like to participate.

Participation is optional and voluntary for homeowners. The program is solely managed by SLWC and uses no public funds. Residents will not be solicited in person or by phone. A homeowner who chooses to enroll in this program should do so with the knowledge that the Township of Malahide in no way warrants or is liable for the work or performance of SLWC.

Residents who choose to sign up for a plan have access to these benefits:

  • Access to 24/7, 365-day repair hotline to schedule a repair
  • Pay $0 for covered repairs up to a benefit amount
  • Repairs performed by an insured and licensed plumber
  • One-year guarantee on covered repairs

For more Information


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Who is SLWC?

SLWC is an independent company, separate from your local utility or community. SLWC is partnered with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and plans are available in over 70 municipalities across Canada.

Why did Malahide partner with SLWC?

There are several benefits the voluntary SLWC program brings to Malahide and its residents, including:

  • Educating residential property owners about their responsibilities for the maintenance, repair and replacement of water service and sewer lines (portion from their homes to the property line) – at no cost to the Township of Malahide.
  • Assuring the Township of Malahide that all repairs are performed to code and that all appropriate permitting is pulled.
  • Reducing expense to property owners and the Township of Malahide because the service plans encourage residents to report exterior water service and sewer/septic leaks in a timely manner. Timely exterior water service line repairs conserve water and reduce water loss for the Township. Timely sewer/septic line repairs also minimize wastewater pollution, helping the environment.
  • Resulting in fewer calls and involvement of Township of Malahide personnel regarding infrastructure that is the responsibility of property owners saves overall taxpayers money.

Doesn’t my homeowners insurance already cover these repairs?

Typically, no. Most homeowners are surprised to learn that they are responsible for the repair and replacement of broken or leaking utility lines on their property. While most basic homeowners policies will pay to repair the damage created by failed utility lines, they typically do not cover the cost of the repair of the line itself. SLWC encourages residents to call their insurance company to determine their actual coverage.

Does this coverage include well lines and septic lines?

Yes, SLWC offers repair plans for either water service lines / well lines or sewer service lines / septic lines.

Why does SLWC use the Township of Malahide logo in its marketing materials?

The Township of Malahide allows SLWC to use its logo in communications to indicate that there is a formal relationship in place and to let residents know that the offering is legitimate, it is for the residents’ benefit and has the approval of the Township of Malahide. All the mailings SLWC sends to Malahide residents are first reviewed and approved by municipal staff prior to use.

SLWC is committed to transparency in all its communications. All SLWC materials clearly state that the services the company offers are voluntary and that they are offered by SLWC, a private company that is separate from the Township of Malahide.

 How can I stop getting mail from SLWC

To be removed from future mailings, contact SLWC by calling 1-844-616-8444


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